Uncertain Things
Uncertain Things
The Art of Being Offended (w/ Eli Lake)

The Art of Being Offended (w/ Eli Lake)

Eli Lake — host of The Re-Education Podcast, contributing editor to Commentary, and columnist for the New York Sun — is a Neo-Conservative, Neither-Trumper as comfortable talking about the FBI  as the musical genius of Ye. Eli was game to debate ideas, have his opinions challenged, and cover a wide-range of topics — from the Israeli elections and American midterms, to the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of artist’s political opinions, to the merits of Love in the Time of Cholera, to the importance of letting cultural norms settle over time. 

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On the agenda:

-Israel's Red Wave - What is it and why is it here? [05:39-27:25]

-The Genius and Folly of Ye [27:26-46:14]

-The Moral Dimension of Art [46:15-50:39]

-KANtreversYE [53:04-1:04:32]

-Short-Circuiting Norms and Influencing Elections [1:04:33-1:13:29]

-On being offended and partisan soul-searching [1:13:30-1:21:32]

-Ode to Robert Caro [1:21:33-1:23:55]

-On Neo-Conservatives and the FBI [1:23:56-1:31:07]

-Blindspots & talking about sexuality [1:31:08-[1:39:30] 

-Midterms Post-Script [1:39:31-1:53:55]

Go deeper:

-Bibi’s Back, Baby (Dispatch) 

-Red Wave Over Israel (Re-Education)

-In for a Kanye. In for a Pound.(Re-Education)

-The Feminist Critique (Re-Education)

Artwork by Kasiq Fashion.

Uncertain Things is hosted and produced by Adaam James Levin-Areddy and Vanessa M. Quirk. For more doomsday rumination, subscribe to: uncertain.substack.com.

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Uncertain Things
Uncertain Things
Everything is broken. Adaam James Levin-Areddy and Vanessa M. Quirk, two jaded journos, interview people far wiser than themselves and ask: "now what?"