Adam Winkler, constitutional law professor at UCLA School of Law, joined us mere hours after Trump loyalists stormed the Capitol. We talk (fittingly) about our history of law and disorder, dive deep into his book We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights (Adam even spins some delightful yarns about Supreme Court high jinks of yore), and unpack all the ways in which corporations have consistently won (and in all likelihood will continue to win) more rights than the rest of us. At least America's future is bright for somebody...
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On the agenda:
Nation of law and disorder (5:33)
Intro to corporate Rights and Personhood (13:45)
Our corporate origin story (On, Jamestown, Charters, and the founding fathers) (17:40)
Corporations and race (25:20)
The narrative of the corrupt corporation (29:52)
The landmark case of 1809 (37:45)
Railroad (& supreme court justice) high jinks (42:05)
The power of a personality (58:00)
Citizens United, the capstone of a 200-year battle (1:04:27)
"The future of corporate Rights is rosy" (1:07:02)
Uncertain Things is hosted and produced by Adaam James Levin-Areddy and Vanessa M. Quirk. For more doomsday thoughts, subscribe to:
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